Let God’s Word Resurrect Your Love in Marriage And Linkup

Resurrect Marriage

Since Easter is fast approaching, I think it’s quite appropriate to talk about how God’s word can resurrect your love in a wounded and messy marriage.

I’m continuing my series, “Slow, Know and Grow” by sharing my Bible study method, WORTHY with all of you. But also know that any Bible study method or reading can bring God’s healing to your marriage and life. For you see . . .

Want to know how to resurrect your marriage? Find out some practical ways to do this at MM! #marriage #resurrect #Christ #Christian #Bible #Easter #inspiration #encouragement #Bible

[bctt tweet=”The most important part of knowing the Bible is studying it consistently! #JustDoIt #encouragement” username=”BethSteffaniak”]

You can’t expect God to bring healing if you’re only willing to apply the “balm of His word” (Jeremiah 8:22) to your life and marriage every once in a while. Just sayin’! 😉

My method of Bible study uses the acrostic W.O.R.T.H.Y.

Part of what makes this method a bit unique is that it stresses finding an application that you can take with you and utilize during your follow up prayer time and as you go about your day.

[bctt tweet=”We need to get God’s word into us, so that God can also work it out in and through our lives! #ChristianLiving #Easter2020″ username=”BethSteffaniak”]

W – stands for: “Welcome the Lord”
I always want to come to my Scripture reading time by welcoming the Lord and acknowledging His presence, as well as asking for His insight regarding what I’m about to read.

O – stands for: “Observe what it says”
Next, I read the text aloud at least one time, sometimes two times. Then I begin to write out what I observe that it’s saying. Sometimes I write exactly what it says and other times, I put it into my own words—without straying too far.

This process takes a lot of observation because, if we read instead of writing it out, it’s so easy to skim over details that are vitally important to understand. Plus it’s just another way to reinforce the truths in our minds.

R – stands for: “Recognize what is noteworthy and true”
At this point, you’re recognizingword-by-word and verse-by-verse—what you notice and what is true. If you don’t know that something is true, do some extra research if you have the time.

You can write this section out in paragraph-style or as a simple list. Either way, you are gleaning the truths of the passage you’re studying.

T – stands for: “Take a thought”
This is where the rubber meets the road by discovering how you’ll apply these truths. I try to look for and write out a couple of applications and then choose from one of those as my focus for the day.

I like to write my thought on my wrist, as well as on a chalkboard in my bedroom for two visual reminders.

H – stands for: “Help”
First of all, I pray about my Bible reading following my studies and process out what it is that I need God’s help with. God is always so good to reveal His help at those prayerful moments.

Later in my day, whenever a challenge comes my way, I might whisper a simple prayer like, Help me, Father!”  I also refer back to the thought I’ve “taken” with me in an effort to remind myself of God’s help through the truth of His word.

Y – stands for: “Yield”
I do the same thing here that I do with God’s help (see above). I refer back to my “thought to take”—praying that God would soften my heart to yield to His truths in my prayer time and especially in the heat of the moment of my day. Gary, my hubby, often gets the benefit of those “yielding” moments too! If you know what I mean! 😉

Bottom line: What I’m ultimately doing is . . . letting God change my heart so that I can respond in godly and humble ways in my marriage.

I cannot underscore enough how studying and applying God’s word has radically changed the atmosphere in my marriage.

I’ve also learned how to rely on God’s help when I don’t want to love my husband (yes, truthfully, there are those times!).

And as I’ve “worked out my salvation” (Philippians 2:12) through applying God’s word, I’ve gained a softer heart. I see my faults and sins so much more clearly and can refocus my gaze on the Lord instead of on my struggles so much better now than I ever did before.

Next week I’ll be sharing how to know God and His handiwork through the power of praise and gratitude. This practice reinforces and amplifies the healing impact of God’s word on your marriage.

You can see this study method in action by joining my private Facebook group studying 1 Peter (already in progress since April 3, 2017). Don’t worry about being behind the others, since you can download the PDF’s and go at your own pace. Click here for a sample of my 1 Peter study. Contact me at messymarriage@gmail.com, if you’d like to be added to this group.


What specific truth from God’s word has helped strengthen you in your marriage recently?


What specific truth from God’s word has convicted you regarding your part in your marriage struggles recently?


Here are some lovely linkups I join – Christian Blogger Community, Mondays @ Soul Survival, Testimony Tuesday, Writer Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Coffee for Your Heart, Faith and Friends, Sitting Among Friends, Moments of Hope, Literary Musing Mondays, Fresh Market Friday, and DanceWithJesusFriday


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24 responses to “Let God’s Word Resurrect Your Love in Marriage And Linkup”

  1. Thank you for sharing your Bible study method. The acronym “worthy” is easy to remember and I like how you welcome God as you begin studying scriptures but you keep Him in mind all day long as you yield to Him. I am always looking for ways to study God’s word and for it to stay with me longer than through the end of my quiet time. I appreciate you sharing your practical ways of studying God;s word with us. I pray you and your family have a blessed Easter.


  2. So as I was studying the Birth of Samson, I noticed how Mrs. Manoah had strong faith and how it impacted her husband Manoah. Staying in God’s word makes a huge difference and maybe the antidote for what ails a marriage.


  3. Hi Beth! I’m a firm believer that God can resurrect our messy marriages. My marriage has been resurrected from the grave. You’re right, this is the perfect time to teach about how God can cause dry bones to live! Thanks for hosting, my friend and have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!



    1. I’m so glad you resonate with and have experienced what I’ve described, Tiffiney! And, if I didn’t exactly say it, God resurrected my marriage with His word too. But the thing is, I used to study the Bible and got no where in the early days of my marriage. There’s just something about coming to God’s word with a brokenness and yielding that transformed it for me. Thanks for encouraging me, my friend. And btw, I couldn’t leave a comment on your blog for some reason. Don’t know if the issue is on my end or if there’s a technical issue going on for your blog. Don’t get me started on how I hate technical issues–as I’ve been battling hackers on my blog lately. I think I may have finally secured things, but I am a novice when it comes to knowing how to “batten down the hatches!” ha!


    2. Carrie Cheecham Avatar

      I’m so blessed to see your comment. I never thought of my marriage as having been in the grave but that’s certainly where it was. Thanks for sharing


  4. Very interesting. Gets me thinking.
    Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Easter.


  5. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser Avatar
    Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Great post, Beth, and I love the WORTHY acrostic.

    Too ill to contribute much, but this – pay attention to what God wants for your marriage, and not what YOU want. They may be quite different.



    1. You are blessed Andrew.


  6. I like your Study Method.
    I know I like to write too 😉
    Looking forward to the rest of the series.
    And Yes Jesus can resurrect marriages too…Amen


  7. My bible reading/studying has been, once again, in the gospels as I write The 52 Commands of Christ – over and over: love, truth, grace. I think if we do everything in love, with the Truth of The Word, and with the grace of Christ we cannot go wrong! xo Blessed Resurrection celebration to you and yours.


  8. Brittany Cooper Avatar
    Brittany Cooper

    Just what I needed to read this morning! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  9. Beth, I love your Bible Study acrostic. Thank you for sharing it! Your thoughts on how Bible study has changed your marriage and softened your heart are a ditto for my own life. There’s always so much work to do, but the Lord always, always provides everything we need in His word!


  10. Your “WORTHY” acrostic would make a great Bible bookmark! Thanks for hosting the linkup. 🙂


  11. I love acrostics, and yours is a great one for helping us process God’s Word. I too have been transformed by renewing my mind with Bible study and application. Happy Easter to you and your family, Beth!


  12. Carrie Cheecham Avatar

    I know from Gods word that I had a very big part to play in my husbands adultery. Even though I was fully committed to my marriage and deeply in love with my husband I took advantage of my 22 years of comfort and didn’t put much effort into my marriage anymore. Also I was self righteous because I was the church-goer and the bible study-er and my friends were all Christians.
    Warning girls: just because you love Jesus with your whole heart, doesn’t make you immune to adultery in your marriage. I believed I was safe. I really believed my husband would never stray. I never thought for one second that it could be possible. But….. It happened. And it was an awful big mess, so much pain. He was looking for someone who accepted him for what he wanted to be. And I was the old hag that made him feel bad about who he was. I was not respecting him fully and I was not being the example of Jesus that he needed.
    The word is clear: respect your husband. It doesn’t matter if we think he is worthy of that respect. That is up to God to change him into a man worthy of respect. Our Christ-like love can change that man.
    I’m still waiting. I’m still believing.
    He’s back home now. His affair is over. And he’s still not in relationship with Christ. But Jesus……I believe. I will wait. And I have learned how much I love this man. How much I need him. How much of a blessing and gift that he is. Exactly the way he is right now. I can’t change him. He is who he is for me to change me. That’s whst God cares about right? He cares about you! He wants you to do the changing. And then He can work out our miracles. I’ve been given a miracle. A second chance. It didn’t look good. I mean the man left me and moved right in with this woman who is younger and absolutely nothing like me. A believer in spirit science who encouraged him to believe there is no God. It was devastating. And that’s when the Lord convicted me deeply. My husband IS seeking…. but I wasn’t being the Christ-like example he needed to lead him to our Lord.
    And the miracle was God spoke to his heart. He left her. And he even says, there was nothing really wrong between them. But he knew in his heart, IT was wrong! He needed to come home and be my husband and our children’s father. And God worked it out so that this woman was done with him. I’m grateful. I’m thankful. And I’ve learned many valuable lessons that I would never have learned outside of this pain.
    I still need prayer. I still need practice. I still need patience. And most of all I need to keep defeating the enemy of his horrible ploy to keep me in fear.
    But the Word of God is so powerful. And I can relate all of my miracles back to the Word. I stayed in the Word during this horrible time. I begged God to keep me from losing my faith in my pain. And He brought my husband home.


  13. Love that acrostic, Beth!


  14. “What specific truth from God’s word has convicted you regarding your part in your marriage struggles recently?” — my husband is not an easy man to love. He has harsh words, he’s impatient, he can often times be super critical of others – yet, he’s a hard-working, loving father and husband. The other day my mom and I were talking about how difficult marriage can be, and how we see so many couples breaking up. My husband and I are going on our 25th year of marriage, and while it hasn’t always been a walk in the park, it has always been secure and stable. My mom, knowing my husband well, asked me what our “secret” is for staying together and working through tough times. I told my mom that the way I see it, God loves us all. Equally. Each one of us is His child. That means He loves my husband just as much as he loves me. I think knowing my personality (easy going, forgiving, strong, patient) God chose me to be the wife to His other child who is oftentimes a little, well let’s just say a little “less than lovable” – LOL. So whenever my marriage has a struggle, I think of God’s promise to us, that He loves each one of us. I try to love my husband like that. –John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” and 1 John 4:7-8 “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”



  15. […] Sharing With: Messes To Message […]


  16. One specific truth? It is found in Luke 6:42 My lesson from it goes…So, why do I expect perfection from my husband when I am not near perfect myself? I am yielding…
    Thanks Beth for these truths, if we do not work on keeping love alive in our marriages we will not enjoy the love we could and should.


  17. What a great method: WORTHY! One I will remember! You are so right. We can’t expect healing if we only put the ointment on once in awhile. It takes daily application! Happy Easter, friend!!
    Blessings and smiles,


  18. He is risen indeed!

    Have a wonderful Easter celebration, Beth …


  19. Beth, I can’t imagine trying to make a marriage work without knowing and seeking God’s help to live out what His Word says. I do it imperfectly for sure, but it’s the only true guide to help us have the marriages He desires for us.

    Thanks for hosting! Hope your Easter was blessed!


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