Three Ways to Fight Spiritual Attacks on Your Marriage (Plus Linkup)

I’d like you to welcome blogger, Leslie Newman, who is my guest today while I’m away, and is sharing her wise perspective on how to fight for our marriages when we come under a spiritual attack by Satan. I hope you’ll make her feel right at home by commenting, as well as sharing her guest post around the web. 

Marriage is under attack today in so many ways. One avenue of attack that is easy to overlook happens within the spiritual realm. Without a doubt, Satan wants to weaken and destroy marriage, and this means we will face spiritual attacks in our marriages at one point or another.

Fortunately, we have a God who is infinitely more powerful than the enemy who fights against us. We have a God who protects us (Proverbs 18:10), and gives wisdom (Proverbs 2:6-7), strength (Psalm 73:26), and guidance (Psalm 32:8).

The three areas below may be places to go for insight and discernment to help you fight spiritual battles within marriage.

In each area below, there is a verse from the Bible that you pray or repeat out loud to help bring the truth and power of God’s Word into your life and marriage.

Prayer is powerful for tearing down strongholds and for defeating the enemy. When you are facing spiritual battles in marriage, you must pray diligently.

One of the most effective and impacting ways to empower your prayer life is to pray Scriptures. When you do this, you pray God’s words and promises right back to Him. It also implants truth in your mind—truths about Him, truths about how you should be acting, and truths about what He can do.

Always remember that your own prayers and the powerful words of Scripture are effective and transforming in ways that are beyond what you can see in your present situation.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16, NASB)

2. You need to be discerning about your perspectives.

One of the most important concepts I’ve ever come to understand about marriage is that often the battle occurs in the mind. It is easy to listen to the lies of the enemy, who twists and distorts the truth. This creates perspectives that can cause us to be self-focused.

Try to take a step back and stand outside your situation. Ask the Lord to reveal to you any areas where you may have the wrong focus. You cannot change another person, but you can look inward and allow God to help you see where you need to make changes in yourself. Claiming the verse below will help you stay strong and move forward in obedience to Christ. God always blesses the man or woman willing to humbly seek Him.

“We are destroying speculations, and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5, NASB)

3. You need to understand your true identity. 

One of the most important things that needs to happen when you are facing spiritual attack inside your marriage is this:

You need to know Whose you are.

You belong to God. Your worth and value come from Him alone. Understanding His love in the right way has the power to change everything about how you view your situations in life and especially within the marriage relationship.

Knowing your true identity brings confidence and sets you up on a firm foundation that will sustain you when disagreements and misunderstandings abound. Remember how deeply God loves you and extend that thought to your spouse as well because the fact is that God loves him or her just as deeply.

God will set you high on the solid rock of His love and He help you will discover ways to make it through difficult times inside your marriage. His love is a fountain that never stops flowing, and it’s deeper than any rift you may feel in your marriage relationship. You can depend on that love for hope and healing no matter the circumstances you face. That’s a peace that passes understanding, sisters and brothers. Let’s reach out and grab hold of it!

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!” (Isaiah 43:1, NASB)

Do you have verses that have helped you through difficult times in your marriage? I invite you to write them in the comments section below. Your thoughts and verses will encourage others and give us more ideas for powerful prayers!

Leslie Newman

I want to offer a big thank you to Leslie Newman for filling in for me today! I hope you’ll check out her blog at Journey to Imperfect, where she writes on her struggle to overcome perfectionism by anchoring her trust in the perfect Savior, Jesus. She also offers free tools and resources for encouragement in your prayer life. And who doesn’t need that? I hope you’ll visit her space today!

Click on the link, if you’d like to read the other posts in this Spiritual Warfare Series.

What has helped you through difficult times in life and marriage?

Which of the “three ways” Leslie shared today do you need to improve on the most and why?

34 responses to “Three Ways to Fight Spiritual Attacks on Your Marriage (Plus Linkup)”

  1. Praying is the best fighting I have done for my marriage. Love everything you said. Satan is sneaky and finds just the right things to try and trip me up in my marriage.


    1. For sure! Thank you for visiting, reading and commenting! Blessings!


  2. Thanks for this. I like the idea of looking at it from a different view and stand outside then look inside. It gives you a different view.
    Thanks for hosting and have a great week.


    1. You are very welcome. Thank you for stopping by and for commenting! Blessings!


  3. What a powerful post, Leslie! Packed with spiritual truths to help marriages withstand the attacks of the enemy. I so agree with your point in watching our prespective. Perspective changes everything. Blessings to you!


    1. Tiffiney, thank you! And perspective has been a game changer for me! Thank you for visiting and blessings back!


  4. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser Avatar
    Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Great post, Leslie! And excellent ‘action items’.

    I’d add this, if I may – have an accountability partner with whom you can share the knowledge of the snares that the devil places in your path. Two heads are truly better than one.


    1. Andrew, thank you so much for bringing up. Accountability is so important and often overlooked. It’s a hard step to take sometimes, but one that will reap lasting benefits. Thank you for that encouragement!


  5. Bev @ Walking Well With God Avatar
    Bev @ Walking Well With God

    Excellent post! The one I would say I struggle with most is in having discernment about my perspective. So true that I can’t change another person – the only person I can change is me. Rather than assigning blame, I am learning more to ask myself, “What part do I play in this problem?” Looking inward is hard sometimes, but necessary. Thank you for the reminder here this am.
    Bev xx


    1. You and me both, Bev. That one point really caused me lots of problems and still does if I don’t let God help me with it. I’m glad I’m not alone! Thank so much for stopping by!


  6. Hi Leslie and Beth! So good to see you both here! I agree–prayer is the most powerful weapon. It’s made all the difference in my marriage battles, especially when we were on the brink of separation. Thank you for your encouraging, powerful words.


    1. Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for stopping by today. It’s great too see you! And yes to the power of prayer!


  7. Good morning Leslie! Thank you for sharing your insight and knowledge with us today. I find that number two is the one I need to work on the most. I have had battles in my mind that would rival any of the ones we read about when we were young. The lies creep in and on a not so good day, they can take over.

    Beth-I hope you are enjoying your time away!


    1. Mary, I get that. # 2 is the one that still causes me the most problem. I’m so glad we have a God that helps us have the right perspectives and gives us truths to combat the lies. Thank you so much for visiting today!


  8. Thanks, Leslie, for practical principles that keep us engaged in the battle.

    And Beth, my book came in yesterday’s mail! Thank you!


    1. Michele, you are most welcome! Thank you for stopping by today!


  9. I’m really working on praying the Scripture more, but the other 2 you listed are equally important. It’s so easy in our world today to make it all about “me.” Our sin nature says, “After all this is the man who’s supposed to make “me” happy.” But God says we’re to love and prefer others and His way is always the best way! So glad you filled in for Beth today. Blessings!


    1. Donna, I agree on what you’ve said about “me.” So important to love each other His way! I’m glad you came by today!


  10. Great post, Leslie! Number three is so important as it affects the first two.


    1. Kelly, that is so true! #3 is a critical key to many things! And it’s true that all these things are so interrelated. Thanks for stopping by today!


  11. Beth, thank you so much for hosting me today. It’s an honor to be here! Have a wonderful break!!!


  12. I appreciate the value placed on prayer here Leslie. If the enemy can tear down our marriages, everything else falls with it. I’ve witnessed God moving mountains of strongholds I thought were immovable but only when I stopped trying to fight alone and entered into the battle with God.


    1. Amen, Crystal! Thanks so much for stopping by!


  13. 43 years of marriage have taught me that I must embrace being a child of God first, and wife second. It’s also taught me that my husband is a blessing from God, to thank God for him, and to let my husband know that I praise God for him.


    1. I love this, Allie. Embracing our identity changes everything! Thank you for visiting!


  14. So true that confidence comes from knowing our worth in God. I’ve loved praying scripture in my life, too. Thanks for sharing this, Leslie. And nice to meet you, Beth. 🙂 ((hug))


    1. Brenda, thank you for stopping by today! You’ll love Beth! Hugs back!


  15. What a fantastic post and so timely. Thank you Leslie. Not just timely but so welcomed. Blessings


    1. Loretta, I’m so glad this was the right timing for you! Thank you for visiting and commenting!


  16. It truly is in the mind. I struggle with anger toward my husband at times and Satan loves to fuel that. My husband never means to upset me so I have to step back and remember that!


  17. No doubt my biggest challenge here is prayer!! I’m such a dreamer, thinker, fantasizer! So more times then not, i fall into dreaming during prayer. Also I would love to pray with my husband but he’s not a spiritual leader.
    Please pray along with me for real healing and recovery for both myself and my husband thank you


  18. How fun to see you here, Leslie! Awesome post with 3 important ways to fight spiritual attacks in our marriage. Thanks for sharing this hope, Beth, at #MomentsofHope! I so appreciate you BOTH!



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