How to Rely on God in Troubles Like King David Did

Knowing how to rely on God can be a rather elusive issue, not to mention being hard to know how to do. So, as promised today, I will continue to unpack in my “Surrender Series” the final step in the Heart Healing Prayer method, “RELY.”  

As in Rely on God!

One of the best ways to clear up this mystery is to examine some of David’s Psalms for answers. After all, the psalmist’s way of praying was the inspiration for my HHP prayer processing method. 

17 Ways You Can Rely on God . . .

Let’s first take a peek at a couple of examples from Psalm 57 to see how David relied on God in times of prayer. 

Psalm 57:1b . . .

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. 

1. Relying on God involves taking refuge in the Lord. 

When we turn to God, instead of trying to handle a situation in our own strength or way, we rely on God’s comfort, protection, and power. 

Ask the Lord to make it clear to you whether or not you’re handling some problem in His strength. And if you’re studying/reading Scripture regularly, ask Him to reveal a way to approach your problem based on His word. 

Most likely, His solution will look drastically different than anything you might come up with! Check that “rely on God” box when you see answers like these! 😉

Next, Psalm 57:7 . . .

My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. 

2. We rely on God when we make worship and praising Him a priority and practice.

What lifts our spirits more than letting our hearts soar with a song of worship to our God? One that’s been on repeat in my life is “Make Room.” I just love to crank it up and sing, as well as pray this to the Lord with all my heart. 

But just to drive home this point, what if David’s prayers sounded more like this . . .

Instead of Psalm 57:1b, he said something like . . . 

I will come up with a logical solution to this problem so that I gain more (perceived) control over the problem. Then when disaster has passed, I can feel good about my accomplishment. Amen!

Or instead of Psalm 57:7, he said something like . . . 

My heart is erratic today, like a roller coaster driven by my emotions and situation. Instead of making music and worshipping You, I will complain to my friends about my problem. I’ll feel a flood of relief that comes from their pity and validation. Maybe that good feeling won’t last but I’ll just run to them when I feel a wave of grief coming my way again. Amen. 

Does your life reflect the examples of relying on God at the top of this post or more like relying on yourself? 

More Ways to Rely on God . . . 

Psalm 59:9-10 says . . .

You are my strength, I watch for you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely. God will go before me and will let me gloat over those who slander me. 

3. Watch in faith for how He is answering your prayer for help. 

4. Let God go before you to fight the battle rather than trying to control the outcome with eloquent words or smart solutions. 

In other words, give God first dibs on how you approach someone! 😉

Psalm 52:8-9 says . . .

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good. 

5. Receive and rest in God’s unfailing love no matter who else might be rejecting you. 

6. Praise God to your faith community and Christian friends (and others). 

7. Recall His many names and attributes to encourage yourself in His faithfulness. 

Psalm 56:3-4 . . .

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? 

8. When you feel worried or anxious, turn them over to God.

9. Calm your fears by praising and meditating on God and His word.  

10. Put people and problems in perspective—knowing and believing that God is more powerful.

Psalm 56:8-9 . . .

Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record? Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me. 

11. Trust that God records your misery.

It has not escaped His notice. And boy oh boy, does He feel your pain!

12. Join God’s effort to validate your pain, by writing and recording your prayers.

There’s something powerful about getting the problem out in front of you and before the Lord’s throne!

13. Look for God’s work and answers in the middle of a problem.

If you don’t see it yet in a current situation, look for how He worked in a past one. 

Psalm 56:12 . . .

I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you. 

14. Verbally commit yourself to follow God each day and in ways that reflect His word.

15. Thank Him all throughout your day for helping you and being by your side.

Psalm 142:2 . . .

I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble. 

16. When your heart hurts or anger flares, give your complaint to God!

Yes, this is a very real way to rely on Him, His compassion, and guidance.

The word “pour” here also reminds me of tears and not just complaints.

17. Cry your complaint to God, demonstrating your reliance in the most humble and vulnerable of ways. 

Now it’s your turn. Find a psalm, preferably of King David, and identify all the ways you can rely on God like he did. If I found 17 in just these few verses, imagine how many you can find!

Just be sure to apply what you’ve learned to the vexing situation in your life and/or marriage. Then you can sit back to see Him do all the heavy lifting!

In what situation in your life are you struggling to rely on God?

Which of these 17 ways to rely do you need to put into practice most?

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